StreXartS - TimeLineStory

... a group story


february 2020

Video of the presentation of the book "Fortunato come Giammy"

Record and Edit of: Fortunato come Giammy - A Short film


dicembre 2019

San Bernardino School -  Chiari Bs Italy - Record, Edit in multicam and Graphics Project - Natalino

Il Coretto di Cologne - DVD disc for Christmas 2019

may 2019

Digital Photo Editing Course - Rovato Library - Bs Italy

february 2019

Digital Photo Editing Course - Rovato Library - Bs Italy

october 2019

Video shooting and editing of the show staged by the corps of the Alpine's d.o.c. Pasquino Sottini for the fifty years of the construction of the Madonna della Pace chapel on Montorfano - Cologne Bs Italy

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